DIY Recipe- Facial Toner for Sensitive Skin with Essential Oils

Do you have problems with sensitive skin? Does it sometimes feel like you have to sacrifice a clear complexion due to your sensitivity? I struggled for years with hormonal acne breakouts, blackheads and sensitive skin. My skin did not tolerate the chemicals in commercial face products well. I knew I needed an all natural alternative to facial toner to help improve my skin.

Essential Oils have been used for centuries in skin care. There’s a great chance that you already have some essential oils in skin care products you have at home now. They are a powerful natural alternative to nourish and protect your skin. Essential oils will help to maintain a healthier glowing complexion when incorporated into your skin-care routine.

Unlike chemical filled skin-care products, essential oils are great additions to your routine because they are:

  • Non-toxic
  • All Natural
  • Artificial Fragrance-Free
  • Therapeutic (make sure you use therapeutic grade essential oils like the ones available through dōTERRA or Young Living. I personally prefer dōTERRA. Although you can use what you like best or have on hand.)

Using this knowledge, I decided to try adding a DIY Facial Toner to my skin care routine.

My DIY Facial Toner for Sensitive Skin had to:

  • Help with breakouts
  • Be all natural and gentle
  • Even out skin tone
  • Provide Hydration
  • Prevent against aging

After a few different trials and errors, I finally ended up with an amazing toner that I love. It’s gentle and non-drying. All natural. Helped reduce my hormonal breakouts. Reduced my blackhead situation. Additionally,  this toner evened out my skin tone!

I’ve been using this recipe for over 3 months. Each bottle of I make lasts me about a month. This DIY Facial Toner for sensitive skin can be used in the morning or evening, or both.

How to use:

  • Firstly, I cleanse my face.  
  • Secondly, I use 3-4 sprays on my face with my eyes closed.
  • Make sure to spray your neck and under your chin.
  • Finally, I let the toner air dry before applying moisturizer.

DIY Facial Toner for Sensitive Skin Recipe-

  • 2 oz Brown Glass Fine Mist Spray Bottle
  • 4 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil
  • ½ Ounce Witch Hazel
  • 12 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 2 Drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • Distilled Water to Fill the Bottle
  • Pinch Pink Himalayan Sea Salt (Optional)
  • Pinch of Lavender flower buds (Optional)

Mix you Facial Toner together-

  • First, fill bottle approximately ¼ of the way full with Witch Hazel. You can eyeball the amount it doesn’t need to be exact
  • Next, add essential oil drops to the bottle.
  • Then add Himalayan sea salt or lavender buds if using (these will infuse the solution with healing properties and help to stir the mixture.)
  • Finally, fill with distilled water to the top of the bottle.
  • Insert the sprayer top and screw it on.
  • Shake before each use as essential oils will settle on top of the water/witch hazel in between uses.

What to look for in a Spray Bottle-
Choose a brown or blue glass spray bottle with a fine mist. Essential Oils store best in a glass container. Essential oils can be caustic to plastic materials and cause them to deteriorate over time. A fine mist will ensure that the toner dries quickly and thus prevents the product dripping or running.

Why These Ingredients for your Facial Toner-

Lavender Essential Oil– Great for all skin types, promotes healing. Great for calming. Reduces Inflammation.

Tea Tree Essential Oil– Works for blemish prone skin. Absorbs extra oils. Anti-bacterial. Use this oil sparingly on sensitive skin.

Frankincense Essential Oil– Anti-Aging. Regenerates skin cells. Wrinkle Reduction. Shrinks large pores. Tightens Skin. Evens out skin tone.  Great for damaged skin and healing.

Witch Hazel– Reduces Inflammation, shrinks your pore and treats blemishes with its antibacterial properties. Works best on oily skin.

Distilled Water– To cut down the witch hazel and essential oils and make them tolerable to sensitive skin. Hydrates skin. Washes away impurities.

Note on Dilution-

Due to Skin Sensitivity, the dilution ratio of these oils is 1.5% Essential Oils to other liquid. This dilutes the highly concentrated essential oils so they do not cause skin irritation. If you do not have sensitive skin I recommend the following recipe (this is a 2% dilution)

  • 14 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 4 Drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • 6 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 1/2 Ounce Witch Hazel
  • Distilled Water to the top
  • Himalayan Sea Salt and/or lavender buds if desired

Other Essential Oils That can be Used in a Facial Toner-

Rosemary Essential Oil– great for oily and acne prone skin. Strong antiseptic. Protects skin cells from sun damage.

Lemongrass Essential Oil– for brightening and tone. Glowing skin. Antiseptic and astringent properties. Balances Excess Oil.

Chamomile Essential Oil– promotes healing of skin, very soothing (good for all skin types). Reduces acne scars. Anti-inflammatory and Antiseptic.

Rose Essential Oil– Expensive, but amazing anti-aging properties. Smells amazing. Very hydrating and nourishing. Promotes healing. A great and more cost-effective alternative would be to replace the distilled water in the above recipe with Rose Water.

Sandalwood Essential Oil– Hydrating Oil. Reduces Inflammation. Reduces Redness.

Peppermint Essential Oil– Cooling, refreshing and stimulating essential oil. Antimicrobial and antiseptic. Great for Oily Skin. Reduces inflammation.

Get an Essential Oil Discount when you sign up (but absolutely no pressure!) –

It can be expensive to buy Essential Oils, especially when purchasing therapeutic grade oils. If you’re interested in quality Essential Oils click here to join dōTerra as a wellness advocate.

If you sign up to be a wellness advocate you receive 25% OFF of ALL Oils and chances to earn more product. You can also choose an introductory kit like this one to save more money.

In Conclusion-
Adding Essential Oils are a great all natural alternative to chemical filled toners.

The combinations are endless for a clean, blemish free, healthy glow. As a result, feel free to play with different combinations to come up with the best recipe for your specific type of skin.

Essential oils have been such a blessing in my life as I try to step further away from chemicals. I even incorporate essential oils into my daily self-care routine.

For more DIY product recipes with Essential Oils try our spa-worthy Linen Spray.

Comment below if you’ve ever added essential oils to your skin care routine!

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